About Us
Bethesda Pentecostal Faith Ministries
Bethesda PFM is a movement that advocates changing the teachings and structures of responsibility and authority of the Pentecostal church. It originated in Andhra Pradesh-speaking Telugu under the name Bethesda Pentecostal Faith Ministries in 2010 and was organized as a national congregation in 2010.
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Bethesda PFM bring us together
You can participate in every event held on behalf of the Bethesda Pentecostal Faith Church, You can also participate in every service program done on behalf of the Bethesda Pentecostal Faith Church by giving your share of money.
Our Sunday schedule
- 10:00 – Worship Start
- 10:30 – Singing Songs
- 11:30 – Worship Song
- 12:00 – Psalms
- 12:20 – Sharing God’s miracles that week
- 12:30 – Word of God (Start Message)
- 13:20 – Offerings
- 13:00 – Last prayer and blessings